
BBC六分钟词汇 - 语块

英语东2023 182



-Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Vocabulary. I'm Finn. . . -And I'm Alice.


In today's show we're going to look chunks of language.


Yes, and by chunks of language we mean groups of words that naturally go together.


And we're going to do that by listening to Kirsten, a student from Germany, talking about her typical morning.


We'll look closely at the chunks of language Kirsten uses.


We'll have a quiz to see what we've learnt.


And we'll bring you a top tip for learning vocabulary.


But before all that, we're going to hear from Kirsten, who's studying right here in London.


She's talking about her typical college day.


Now, two questions for you to think about while you listen.


First, why does Kirsten have to leave?


And second, why do you think Kirsten's English sounds a little bit unnatural?


Let's find out.


My typical morning? Well, I never go out on an unfilled stomach, so before class, I usually have a complete English breakfast — I love it.


Getting to class can take a big time because it is the rush period.


But when I get to class it is a lot of enjoyment because my classmates come from all over the earth.


Anyway, I must go into class right now, but I'll be back in a period.


So, why does she have to leave?


She has to go to class. Well done if you got that.


But why did Kirsten's English sound a little bit unnatural?


Well, we understood her, but she did make some unusual word choices.


Yes. And that's because she made some mistakes when she tried to use English fixed expressions, or chunks of language.


Chunks are groups of words that naturally go together — they are fixed expressions and they can't usually be changed.


So instead of learning them word by word, we can think of them as one complete piece of language.


Let's look at some of Kirsten's chunks.


First, she said she doesn't like going out on an unfilled stomach.

首先,她说她不喜欢 going out on an unfilled stomach。

The normal way to say that you are doing something without eating first is to say you're doing something on an empty stomach.

“你做某事前一定会吃东西”的通常表达是“you’re doing something on an empty stomach”

Next, she said she likes to eat a complete English breakfast.

接着,他说她喜欢吃 a complete English breakfast.

The usual way to describe eggs, bacon, sausage and tomato is a full English breakfast.

通常描述鸡蛋,培根,香肠和西红柿应该用“ a full English breakfast”。

Ooh, feeling a bit hungry now. Then she said that going to college takes a big time, but the chunk is to take a long time.

我都觉得有点饿了。然后她说去学校需要“takes a big time”,但是正确的语块应该是“take a long time”。

And it takes a long time because it is the rush period — but the usual expression is the rush hour.

时间花很久是因为“rush period”,但是通常表达应该是“rush hour”。

Another one. Kirsten told us that class is a lot of enjoyment. But we usually say a lot of fun.

还有一个。柯利斯顿告诉我们上课是“a lot of enjoyment”,但是我们通常会说“a lot of fun”。

It's fun because Kirsten's friends come from all over the earth – normally all over the world.

柯利斯顿的朋友们“come from all over the earth”所以很有趣,通常表达应该是“all over the world”。

And let's listen to the last sentence again.


Anyway, I must go into class right now, but I'll be back in a period.

总之,我必须去上课了,但是我会“back in a period”。

So she'll return soon to talk more, but the usual way to say this is back in a bit. Or back in a minute.

她会很快回来继续聊,但是通常表达应该是“back in a bit”,或者说是“back in a minute”。

Great stuff. So, let's listen to Kirsten again, this time with all the correct chunks of language.


My typical morning? Well, I never go out on an empty stomach, so before class, I usually have a full English breakfast — I love it.


Getting to class can take a long time because it is the rush hour.


But when I get to class it's a lot of fun because my classmates come from all over the world.


Anyway, I must go into class right now, but I'll be back in a bit.


Well done Kirsten. It sounded much more natural that time.


So, now it's time for a quiz. You have to finish the sentences with the correct chunk.


Number 1. I want to learn Chinese, but I think it will. . . a) have a long time; b) take a great age; c) take a long time.

1,我想学中文,但是我觉得这会:a) have a long time;b) take a great age;c) take a long time.

The natural way to say it is: c) take a long time.

正确的表达方式是:c) take a long time.

Yes. That's aright.


Now number 2. People are learning English. . . a) all over the world; b) around the earth; c) throughout the planet.

2. ……的人们正在学习英语。a) all over the world;b) around the earth;c) throughout the planet.

People are learning English: a) all over the world.

a) all over the world 的人们正在学习英语。

Yes. Well done if you got that.


And that brings us almost to the end of today's show.


But before we go, here's today's top tip — instead of learning lists of vocabulary word by word, try picking up natural chunks of language that you hear people using.


Learning these chunks will make your English sound much more natural.


That's great advice. There's more about this at BBC learning English dot com. Please join us again for six-minute vocabulary.


-Bye! -Bye.


标签: #显示块英文