十六种性格各有特色,就单一性格来说,也各有千秋。针对INTJ的 -A /-J 属性做个整理。以下内容整理自intjvision
In addition to four standard MBTI letters that state your personality type, 16 Personalities added a fifth scale – “Identity.” If you have done MBTI personality test at 16personalities.com, you probably noticed a “-T” or “-A” in your results page. Identity shows how confident you are in your choices, abilities, and decisions and that translates into the “Assertive” or “Turbulent” personality types.
1. (INTJ-T) Turbulent INTJ TraitsTurbulent (-T) INTJs are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They take note of their own weaknesses and try to improve everything. With this desire to make themselves exponentially better than they are, INTJ-Ts get stuck in a never-ending self-improvement loop, which is exhausting and may lead to depression.
1. (INTJ- t)狂暴的INTJ特性
动荡型(-T) intj型的人自我意识强,对压力敏感。他们注意到自己的缺点,并努力改善一切。
intj – t型人想要以指数级的方式提升自己,于是让他们陷入了一个永无止境的自我提升循环中,这不仅让人筋疲力尽,更有甚者还可能导致抑郁。
On the other hand, always trying to improve often leads to superior results. No matter how good Turbulent INTJ becomes, he will always seek to improve his performance in work assignments and more commonplace situations. Even if no one notices his little mistakes, he will observe, note, and seek to eliminate them. This drive to become better encourages the INTJ-T to greater heights than his Assertive counterpart and may serve him well in a work environment.
Turbulent INTJs also care more about what others think of them. By over-analyzing social situations, they often find themselves trying to plan out how to appear “normal.” This can lead to stressful social situations and social anxiety.
2. (INTJ-A) Assertive INTJ TraitsAssertive (-A) INTJs are more resistant to stress, but they do not push themselves as hard when it comes to achieving goals. INTJ-As might seem more confident in themselves and more relaxed. They are happy with who they are and what they do and don’t seek approval from other people. This is also a double-edged sword, because INTJ-A, while highly capable, is not as motivated to change or improve himself as the INTJ-T.
2. 自信型INTJ特质
The Assertive INTJ knows what he’s good at and is content being good at those things. Personal responsibility and the ability to trust in yourself are very important values to the INTJ-A.
3. Which type is better?Of course, no type is “better” than another. While one situation might favor one type, another will favor the opposite. If an INTJ ends up in a competitive work field (e.g.: IT), he might be better off as Turbulent. An Assertive INTJ might indulge in overconfidence or procrastination, resulting in criticism and possibly even punishment.
On the other hand, if an INTJ ends up in a stressful, fast-paced field (e.g.: surgery), then he might do better as Assertive. An Assertive INTJ will be cool-headed and have the ability to recover from his mistakes quickly – what’s done is done, and requires less attention than what still needs doing.
4. My Humble OpinionTrying to divide any of the MBTI personality types into smaller and more specific categories may not be correct. People will always get a mixture of both Turbulent and Assertive, as this section of the 16 Personality scale is more dependent on psychological state and personal development than some of the others.
4. 我的拙见
INTJs are born perfectionists and love to improve others and themselves, but that doesn’t mean they do so only to impress others. It may also be helpful to an INTJ to develop the skill of choosing when to allow perfectionism to affect their decisions. I believe the trick to this lies in finding a balance between Assertiveness and Turbulence.
In my opinion, most INTJs are turbulent by nature. Turbulence can be reduced by addressing the trend of private thoughts and self-observations, changing them where necessary. By taking things slowly, one can begin to see the big picture and decide whether or not a particular situation or person is worth stressing about. Also, some people may find that putting themselves into stressful (social) situations regularly improves their tolerance for situational stress.
In SummaryTurbulent Architects are often fueled by their worries and concerns, and these can be used to make significant progress. They can often see problems (and sometimes find solutions) long before others.Stress affects Assertive Architects less, but this should not be confused with their not caring.Both types of Architects are often ambitious – but their motivations are different.
Assertive Architects are motivated more from within, and their inspiration to act is based on confidence in their rationality.Turbulent Architects are moved forward in life to a greater degree by their concerns, worries, and how others might see them.While neither personality type is likely to be very comfortable with their emotions, Turbulent Architects are more likely to express theirs and use them to connect with others by being more approachable.Assertive Architects are less likely to be as concerned about the opinions of others.
They relish their independence and make decisions on their own.Both personality types need order and predictability, but Assertive Architects are slightly more adventurous than Turbulent Architects. They prefer stability but don’t necessarily fear instability.However, Turbulent Architects are often more willing to change intentionally than their Assertive cousins.
5. 总结对比
1. 动荡型INTJ经常被他们的担忧和关注所推动,这些可以用来取得显著的进展。他们经常比其他人早发现问题(有时还能找到解决方案)。
2. 压力对自信型INTJ的影响较小,但这不能与他们的不关心相混淆。
3. 这两种类型的intj通常都雄心勃勃——但他们的动机是不同的。
4. 自信型INTJ更多的是来自内部,他们的行动灵感是基于对自己理性的自信。
5. 动荡型INTJ在生活中通过他们的关注、担忧,以及其他人可能如何看待他们而前进到一个更高的程度。
6. 虽然这两种性格类型都不太可能对自己的情绪感到舒适,但动荡型更有可能表达自己的情绪,并通过更平易近人的方式与他人联系。
7. 自信型intj不太可能关心别人的意见。他们喜欢独立自主,自己做决定。
8. 这两种性格类型都需要秩序和可预测性,但是自信型比动荡型的intj更有冒险精神。他们喜欢稳定,但不一定害怕不稳定。
9. 然而,动荡型通常比自信型更愿意有意地改变。
Shared FoundationsWhen we focus on the Identity personality traits, it’s important to remember that one is not better or more legitimate than the other. A Turbulent Architect is no less of an Architect than an Assertive Architect, and vice versa. It’s like spice in a stew. All the main ingredients are there – but add some savory spices to increase its sweetness, sourness, or heat, and the stew is suddenly something a bit different.
The world needs confident Architects to boldly present their many ideas and insights. It also needs cautious Architects to anticipate problems and to care about and respond to opinions. Their unique differences, no matter how subtle or pronounced, can contribute to the world – each in their own ways.
6. 共同的基础
ps:就我现在的感觉来说,在早些年应该是INTJ-T多一些,后来慢慢的趋向于INTJ-A,到现在的话,可能是偶尔会切换。 随心就好
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