

上海外事商务咨询中心 1134



Inaccordance with the spirit of the Chinese government's interimmeasures for the exchange of Chinese and foreign personnel after thenovel coronavirus infection in Category B, the Consular Department ofthe Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs willimplement the following requirements for visa application to themainland from January 8, 2023:


I.People who do not need to apply for visas


Itis allowed to apply for all kinds of mutual visa exemptionagreements, people with valid Chinese permanent residencecertificates, people with all kinds of valid residence permits,people with valid APEC business travel cards (excluding virtualcards), and people with 24-hour transit visa exemption to enter themainland without applying for another visa.


Note:For the application of the 72-hour and 144-hour transit visa-freepolicy, please contact the border inspection authority of theproposed entry place directly.


II.Acceptable visa scope


TheConsular Department of the Hong Kong Office of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs will accept the following types of visa applications(including multi-year visa applications) submitted by eligibleapplicants through the Hong Kong Visa Application Service Center, andwill not accept visa applications for travel to the Mainland ormedical reasons.



Applicantscope: International train attendants, international aircraft crewmembers, crew members of international navigation ships and theiraccompanying family members and automobile drivers engaged ininternational road transport who perform crew, aviation and shippingtasks


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: Letter of guaranteeissued by foreign transportation companies or invitation letterissued by relevant units in China



Applicantscope: People who go to China for permanent residence


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: The original and copy ofthe confirmation form of permanent residence status of foreignersissued by the Ministry of Public Security of China



Applicantscope: Personnel who go to China for exchanges, visits,investigations and other activities


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: Invitation letter issuedby relevant units or individuals in China



Applicantscope: People passing through China


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: A connecting flight(train, ship) ticket to the destination country or region with afixed date and seat



Applicantscope: Personnel who go to China for business and trade activities


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: Business activitydocuments issued by domestic trade partners, invitations to tradefairs and other invitation letters



Applicantscope: Family members of Chinese citizens who apply for residence inChina due to family reunification, family members of foreigners withpermanent residence status in China, and persons who apply forresidence in China due to foster care and other reasons.


Note:Family members refer to spouses, parents, children, children'sspouses, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandparents,grandchildren, grandchildren, parents of spouses


Basicrequirements for visa application materials:


Ifit is for family reunification, it is required to provide: (i)an invitation letter issued by Chinese citizens living in China orforeigners with permanent residence qualification in China;


(ii)A copy of the inviter's Chinese ID card or a copy of the foreigner'spassport and permanent residence permit;


(iii)The original and copy of the family member relationship certificatebetween the applicant and the inviter.


Incase of foster care, it is required to provide:


(i)The letter of custody entrustment notarized by the Chinese embassy orconsulate abroad or notarized and certified by the host country orChina;


(ii)The original and photocopy of the client's passport and thecertificate of kinship with the foster child (marriage certificate,birth certificate, certificate of kinship issued by the policestation or notarial certificate of kinship, etc.);


(iii)Letter of acceptance of foster care and photocopy of ID card issuedby the trustee accepting foster care;(三)接受寄养的受托人出具的同意接受寄养函件及身份证复印件;

(iv)If both or one of the parents of the foster child is a Chinesecitizen, a copy of the certificate of the Chinese parents residingabroad at the time of the child's birth shall also be provided.



Applicantscope: Relatives of Chinese citizens residing in China and relativesof foreigners with permanent residence status in China who visittheir relatives in China for a short period of time (no more than 180days)


Basicrequirements for visa application materials:


(i)Letter of invitation issued by Chinese citizens residing in China orforeign citizens with permanent residence qualification in China.


(ii)A copy of the inviter's Chinese ID card or a copy of the foreigner'spassport and permanent residence permit.



Applicantscope: China needs foreign high-level talents and urgently neededspecialized talents


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: Materials issued byrelevant competent departments of the Chinese government to provethat relevant personnel meet the conditions and requirements for theintroduction of foreign high-level talents and urgently neededspecialized talents



Applicantscope: Spouses, parents, children under the age of 18, parents ofspouses of foreigners who stay in China for work, study and otherreasons for long-term (more than 180 days) home visits to China, aswell as those who need to stay in China for other private affairs


Basicrequirements for visa application materials:


(i)Letter of invitation issued by foreigners residing in China;


(ii)Copies of the inviter's passport and residence certificate;


(iii)The original and copy of the kinship certificate between theapplicant and the inviter.


Ifit is a private matter, relevant proof materials must be provided asrequired.



Applicantscope: Family members (spouse, parents, children, spouse of children,brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren,grandchildren and parents of spouse) of foreigners who stay in Chinafor work, study and other reasons to visit their relatives in Chinafor a short time (no more than 180 days) and those who need to stayin China for other private affairs


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: Same as S1 visa



Applicantscope: People who have studied in China for a long time (more than180 days)


Basicrequirements for visa application materials:


(i)The original and copy of the admission notice issued by therecruiting unit in China;(ii)The original and copy of the Application Form for Visa to China forForeign Students (Form JW201 or JW202)



Applicantscope: Personnel who study in China for a short time (no more than180 days)


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: The original and copy ofthe admission notice issued by the recruiting unit in China



Applicantscope: Personnel working in China


Basicrequirements for visa application materials: Valid Foreigner WorkPermit Notice (or the original of Foreigner Work Permit, etc.)


Inaddition, if you want to apply for diplomatic or official visas,please contact the Alien Visa Service of the Consular Department ofthe Consular Office of the Chinese Consular Office for an appointmentin advance, fax: (852) 34132312; Email: fmcovisa_hk@mfa.gov.cn.


Ifyou apply for a reporter visa, please follow the requirements of thecompetent department.


III.Matters needing attention


(i)The above types of visa applicants (except for diplomatic andofficial visas) need to fill in the form online through the websiteof the Hong Kong Visa Application Center in advance and submit theapplication materials to the center at the agreed time after makingan appointment. Applications that fail to fill in the form online andmake an appointment will not be accepted. Hong Kong Visa ApplicationCenter Tel:+852 5515 6980, 6096 1310, E-mail:hongkongcenter@visaforchina.org.

(一)上述各类签证申请人(除外交、公务类签证外)需通过香港签证申请中心网站提前在线填表、预约后按约定时间到中心递交申请材料,未通过在线填表、预约的申请不予受理。香港签证申请中心电话:+8525515 6980、60961310,电子邮箱:hongkongcenter@visaforchina.org。

(ii)In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, theapplicant is requested to take necessary epidemic prevention measuresduring the visa application and travel.


(iii)Please be sure to submit your visa application through the officialchannels of the visa application center and its filing intermediary.Don't be credulous and illegal intermediary to cheat and solicit andcharge exorbitant prices by exaggerating the difficulty ofapplication, so as to avoid unnecessary economic losses. In case ofillegal solicitation, you can call the police and report to the visaapplication center in time.


标签: #网站从香港转到内地如何备案登记