
Python shapefile.Writer方法代码示例

lizhihua0625 85


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本文整理汇总了Python中shapefile.Writer方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python shapefile.Writer方法的具体用法?Python shapefile.Writer怎么用?Python shapefile.Writer使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在shapefile的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def __init__(self, filename=None, shapeType=1, hasShx=True):    self.filename = filename    self.hasShx = hasShx    # Count records for metadata    self.count = 0    # Maximum number of records before disk flush    self.max = 1000    self.started = False    self.minx = 0    self.miny = 0    self.maxx = 0    self.maxy = 0    self.numRecs = 0    self.tmpShp = cStringIO.StringIO()    if self.hasShx:      self.tmpShx = cStringIO.StringIO()    self.tmpDbf = cStringIO.StringIO()    self.shp = open("%s.shp" % self.filename, "wb")    if self.hasShx:      self.shx = open("%s.shx" % self.filename, "wb")    self.dbf = open("%s.dbf" % self.filename, "wb")    self.dbfHdrLen = 0    self.w = shapefile.Writer(shapeType) 
示例2: _point_file
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def _point_file(test_file):    with shapefile.Writer(test_file, shapefile.POINT) as shp:        shp.field('name', 'C')        shp.point(0, 0)        shp.record('point1')        shp.point(0, 1)        shp.record('point2')        shp.point(1, 1)        shp.record('point3')        shp.point(1, 0)        shp.record('point4') 
示例3: _polygon_file
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def _polygon_file(test_file):    with shapefile.Writer(test_file, shapefile.POLYGON) as shp:        shp.field('name', 'C')        shp.poly([            [[.25, -.25], [.25, .25], [.75, .25], [.75, -.25]],        ])        shp.record('polygon1')        shp.poly([            [[.25, .75], [.75, .75], [.5, 1.25]]        ])        shp.record('polygon2') 
示例4: _polyline_file
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def _polyline_file(test_file):    with shapefile.Writer(test_file, shapefile.POLYLINE) as shp:        shp.field('name', 'C')        n = 5        x = np.repeat(np.linspace(0, 1, n), 2)        y = np.tile([0.375, 0.625], n)        shp.line([list(zip(x, y))])        shp.record('line1') 
示例5: test_bad_points
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def test_bad_points():    shp = BytesIO()    shx = BytesIO()    dbf = BytesIO()    w = shapefile.Writer(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)    w.shapeType = 3    w.field("spam", "N")    w.line([[[5, 5], [10, 10]]])    w.record(37)    w.line([[[5, 0], [5, 5]]])    w.record(100)    w.line([[[5, 5], [0, 10]]])    w.record(239)    w.close()    # pass a line shapefile here insted.    p_shp = BytesIO()    p_shx = BytesIO()    p_dbf = BytesIO()    p_w = shapefile.Writer(shp=p_shp, shx=p_shx, dbf=p_dbf)    w.shapeType = 3    p_w.field("spam", "N")    p_w.line([[[5, 5], [10, 10]]])    p_w.record(37)    p_w.line([[[5, 0], [5, 5]]])    p_w.record(100)    p_w.line([[[5, 5], [0, 10]]])    p_w.record(239)    p_w.close()    with raises(ValueError):        read_shapefile(shp, dbf=dbf, points_shapefile=p_shp, points_dbf=p_dbf) 
示例6: test_points_but_too_far
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def test_points_but_too_far():    shp = BytesIO()    shx = BytesIO()    dbf = BytesIO()    w = shapefile.Writer(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)    w.shapeType = 3    w.field("spam", "N")    w.line([[[5, 5], [10, 10]]])    w.record(37)    w.line([[[5, 0], [5, 5]]])    w.record(100)    w.line([[[5, 5], [0, 10]]])    w.record(239)    w.close()    # make a    p_shp = BytesIO()    p_shx = BytesIO()    p_dbf = BytesIO()    p_w = shapefile.Writer(shp=p_shp, shx=p_shx, dbf=p_dbf)    p_w.shapeType = 1    p_w.field("eggs", "N")    p_w.point(5, 0)    p_w.record(2)    p_w.point(5, 5)    p_w.record(4)    p_w.point(0, 10)    p_w.record(8)    p_w.point(12, 10)    p_w.record(6)    p_w.close()    with raises(ValueError):        read_shapefile(shp, dbf=dbf, points_shapefile=p_shp, points_dbf=p_dbf) 
示例7: test_points_but_not_one_one
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def test_points_but_not_one_one():    shp = BytesIO()    shx = BytesIO()    dbf = BytesIO()    w = shapefile.Writer(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)    w.shapeType = 3    w.field("spam", "N")    w.line([[[5, 5], [10, 10]]])    w.record(37)    w.line([[[5, 0], [5, 5]]])    w.record(100)    w.line([[[5, 5], [0, 10]]])    w.record(239)    w.close()    # make a    p_shp = BytesIO()    p_shx = BytesIO()    p_dbf = BytesIO()    p_w = shapefile.Writer(shp=p_shp, shx=p_shx, dbf=p_dbf)    p_w.shapeType = 1    p_w.field("eggs", "N")    p_w.point(5, 0)    p_w.record(2)    p_w.point(5, 5)    p_w.record(4)    p_w.point(0, 10)    p_w.record(8)    p_w.point(10, 10)    p_w.record(6)    p_w.point(10, 10)    p_w.record(7)    p_w.close()    with raises(ValueError):        read_shapefile(shp, dbf=dbf, points_shapefile=p_shp, points_dbf=p_dbf) 
示例8: test_points_but_one_missing
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def test_points_but_one_missing():    shp = BytesIO()    shx = BytesIO()    dbf = BytesIO()    w = shapefile.Writer(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)    w.shapeType = 3    w.field("spam", "N")    w.line([[[5, 5], [10, 10]]])    w.record(37)    w.line([[[5, 0], [5, 5]]])    w.record(100)    w.line([[[5, 5], [0, 10]]])    w.record(239)    w.close()    # make a    p_shp = BytesIO()    p_shx = BytesIO()    p_dbf = BytesIO()    p_w = shapefile.Writer(shp=p_shp, shx=p_shx, dbf=p_dbf)    p_w.shapeType = 1    p_w.field("eggs", "N")    p_w.point(5, 0)    p_w.record(2)    p_w.point(5, 5)    p_w.record(4)    p_w.point(0, 10)    p_w.record(8)    p_w.close()    with raises(ValueError):        read_shapefile(shp, dbf=dbf, points_shapefile=p_shp, points_dbf=p_dbf) 
示例9: write_shapefile
# 需要导入模块: import shapefile [as 别名]# 或者: from shapefile import Writer [as 别名]def write_shapefile(df, filename, geomtype='line', prj=None):    """    create a shapefile given a pandas Dataframe that has coordinate data in a    column called 'coords'.    """    import shapefile    df['Name'] = df.index    # create a shp file writer object of geom type 'point'    if geomtype == 'point':        w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT)    elif geomtype == 'line':        w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POLYLINE)    elif geomtype == 'polygon':        w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POLYGON)    # use the helper mode to ensure the # of records equals the # of shapes    # (shapefile are made up of shapes and records, and need both to be valid)    w.autoBalance = 1    # add the fields    for fieldname in df.columns:        w.field(fieldname, "C")    for k, row in df.iterrows():        w.record(*row.tolist())        w.line(parts=[row.coords])    w.save(filename)    # add projection data to the shapefile,    if prj is None:        # if not sepcified, the default, projection is used (PA StatePlane)        prj = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'swmmio/defs/default.prj')    prj_filepath = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.prj'    shutil.copy(prj, prj_filepath) 

标签: #python dbfread