

十点英语 235




Collecting stamps is my hobby.^集邮是我的爱好。

I do not collect stamps to gain money.^我集邮不是为了挣钱。

Stamp collecting is full of fun, relaxing and inexpensive.^集邮有趣、轻松且花费不大。

Some people collect ancient coins by way of investment.^有些人收集古钱币作为投资。

In the process of collecting, I learn a lot of knowledge about a variety of subjects.^在收集的过程中,我学到了多种学科的许多知识。

Many people make a living from collecting and disposing items.^许多人靠收集和处理文物(东西)谋生。

As you build up a collection, it is necessary that you have skills of identifying, selecting, evaluating, classifying items.^你在收藏的过程中,你需要具有识别、选择、评估和分类等多方面的技能。

People collect almost everything, including books, stamps, coins, fossils etc.^人们收藏几乎所有的东西,包括书籍、邮票、钱币和化石等。

Some people are keen on collecting grotesque items such as human bones.^一些人热衷于收藏诸如人骨一类的奇异物品。

People collect things either for fun or for money.^人们收藏物品不是出于乐趣就是为了赚钱。

I'm obsessed with collecting pictures of TV stars.^我痴迷于搜集电视明星的照片。

Collecting can be a gateway of understanding China's folk culture.^收藏可以说是了解中国文化的途径。


标签: #放一首我收藏过的英文