
懿说学区(45) | SPSS统计分析(55)时间序列的季节性分解

LearningYard学苑 65



Yi Shuo School District (45) SPSS Statistical Analysis (55) Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series





In practical work, people often record data on a monthly basis (or annual, quarterly, hourly, etc.), such as the number of births, mortality, the incidence of a certain disease, the sales of a certain product, etc. These data may conform to a certain seasonal distribution, but the size of these figures is often affected by many factors, and it is difficult to see the seasonal trend from the original data.


Seasonal decomposition method decomposes time series into three components, or three variables, namely "trend component", "seasonal component" and "random fluctuation". The trend component is fitted by polynomial, and the seasonal component is estimated by Fourier transform. Its mathematical expression is Yt=f (Tt, St, It). In the formula, Tt represents long-term trend (which can be linear trend, periodic fluctuation or long-term fluctuation), St is seasonal factor (fluctuation with fixed amplitude and period, calendar effect is common seasonal factor), and It is random fluctuation (which can be regarded as error).


There are two common time series decomposition models: addition and multiplication. The addition model is Yt=Tt+St + It, and the multiplication model is Yt=Tt*St * It. Multiplicative models, in which time series values and long-term trends are expressed in absolute terms, and seasonal and irregular variations are expressed in relative terms (percentages), are used more often than additive models. Seasonal decomposition requires no missing data, and the data has defined date variables and specified periods before processing.



Let's look at an example analysis of seasonal decomposition:


As shown in the following figure, the sales data of an enterprise are decomposed seasonally.


The first step is to analyze and organize the data. Define date variables in the format of Year and Month.


The second step is to observe the properties of the data sequence.


As shown in the following figure, make a timing chart for sales. From this timing chart, we can see that the general trend of sales is increasing, but the growth is not monotonous, but ups and downs. This rise and fall is not disorderly, but related to the seasonal factors of seasons or months. Of course, besides the growth trend and seasonal influence, there are also some irregular random factors.


The third step is seasonal decomposition setting. Set as shown in the following figure.


The fourth step, the main results and analysis.


Forecast for the next issue: In this issue, we learned the theoretical basis and case analysis of seasonal decomposition. In the next issue, we will learn the basics of reliability analysis.


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标签: #出生日期用什么数据类型统计学