

攻城狮成长日记 3273



今天要跟大家讲解的是 华为s系列交换机堆叠实战练习,废话不多先上图:




[HUAWEI]dis stackStack topology type: RingStack system MAC: a008-6fea-a7d0MAC switch delay time: 10 minStack reserved VLAN: 4093Slot of the active management port: --Slot Role MAC Address Priority Device Type-------------------------------------------------------------1 Master a008-6fea-a7d0 200 S5720-32P-EI-AC3 Standby a008-6f8c-2ab0 100 S5720-32P-EI-AC


[HUAWEI]dis port vlanPort Link Type PVID Trunk VLAN List-------------------------------------------------------------------------------GigabitEthernet1/0/1 desirable 1 1-4094GigabitEthernet1/0/2 desirable 1 1-4094GigabitEthernet1/0/3 desirable 1 1-4094GigabitEthernet1/0/4 desirable 1 1-4094GigabitEthernet1/0/5 desirable 1 1-4094....GigabitEthernet3/0/30 desirable 1 1-4094GigabitEthernet3/0/31 desirable 1 1-4094GigabitEthernet3/0/32 desirable 1 1-4094


1、 配置成员交换机堆叠id ,有系统提示需要键入y确认。

[HUAWEI]stack slot 1 renumber 5 Warning: All the configurations related to the slot ID will be lost after the slot ID is modified.Do not frequently modify the slot ID because it will make the stack split. Continue? [Y/N]:y...Info: Stack configuration has been changed, and the device needs to restart to make the configuration effective.

2、 配置成员交换机堆叠优先级,值越大优先级越高

[HUAWEI]stack slot 3 priority 210 Warning: Do not frequently modify the priority because it will make the stack split. Continue? [Y/N]:y... 有系统提示需要键入y确认


<HUAWEI>save The current configuration will be written to the device.Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]yInfo: Please input the file name ( *.cfg, *.zip ) [vrpcfg.zip]:flash:/vrpcfg.zip exists, overwrite?[Y/N]:yNow saving the current configuration to the slot 1.Save the configuration successfully.Now saving the current configuration to the slot 3.Save the configuration successfully.<HUAWEI>reboot fastInfo: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input 'N' and then execute 'reboot save diagnostic-information'.System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:y


[HUAWEI]dis stackStack topology type: RingStack system MAC: a008-6f8c-2ab0MAC switch delay time: 10 minStack reserved VLAN: 4093Slot of the active management port: --Slot Role MAC Address Priority Device Type-------------------------------------------------------------3 Master a008-6f8c-2ab0 210 S5720-32P-EI-AC5 Standby a008-6fea-a7d0 200 S5720-32P-EI-AC
[HUAWEI]dis switchover state 查看是否满足主备倒换条件Slot 3 HA FSM State(master): realtime or routine backup. 表示主交换机处于实时备份状态Slot 5 HA FSM State(slave): receiving realtime or routine data. 表示备交换机处于实时接收数据状态(仅此状态为满足倒换条件)


[HUAWEI]slave switchover enable [HUAWEI]slave switchover 强制进行主备倒换 ,有系统提示需要键入y并自动重启Warning: This operation will switch the slave board to the master board. Continue?[Y/N]:ySwitching...........................................................................OK This board has been switched slave successfully, and it will be reset!


[HUAWEI]dis stackStack topology type: RingStack system MAC: a008-6f8c-2ab0MAC switch delay time: 10 minStack reserved VLAN: 4093Slot of the active management port: --Slot Role MAC Address Priority Device Type-------------------------------------------------------------3 Standby a008-6f8c-2ab0 210 S5720-32P-EI-AC5 Master a008-6fea-a7d0 200 S5720-32P-EI-AC

标签: #华为s系列交换机堆叠