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Review of Army of the Dead



Things we learned from Army of the Dead :D



I miss these lists, they were fun!


This movie was somewhat entertaining but also (and mostly) annoying:


Spoilers, and in random order, enjoy:



1: A leader zombie on top of a tall building, can look at a helicopter flying away, then give it 1 mile head start, go down to ground level, and still out run the helicopter on his dead horse.


2: The more people talk about a nuke coming, and time running out, the more relaxed they will feel and the slower they will move.


3: If a nuke is on the way and a helicopter comes to rescue you, you must still wait for the pilot to deliver a speech and give you permission to get on board, before moving at all.


4: A piece of make shift metal for a helmet will act as a magnet for all bullets aimed at that person, and will never even have a mark on it, after 10+ hits.

4. 在头盔上有一块金属可以作为磁铁吸引所有瞄准那个人的子弹,而且甚至在被击中10次以上后,上面甚至不会有任何痕迹。

5: A woman who says she has a plan, while holding a zombie head, will keep staring at the helicopter taking off, probably because she remembered she didn't really have a plan.

5. 一个拿着僵尸头的女人说她,那她会一直盯着直升机起飞,可能是因为她记得她并没有真正的计划。

6: The Military generally needs their orders given 2-3 times before reacting, and they will then react very slowly and with seemingly no training.

6. 军方通常需要收到2-3次命令后才会做出反应,然后他们的反应会非常缓慢,而且似乎没有受过任何训练。

9: A movie can last 2½ hours and still have very little character development.


11: Noone will question why a billionaire wants a team to retrieve pocket cash for him.


12: A random woman is important to save, except if she gets on a helicopter, then we don't even have to see if she survives or not.


13: If a billionaire wants a live zombie head for himself, he won't just send a few hunters with a net to retrieve the first zombie they encounter, he will send an entire oblivious team with a mole in it, with a bank heist cover, and hope his mole can come through, because that's more fun, and the first option is too simple.

13. 如果一个亿万富翁想要活僵尸的头为自己而活,他不会只派一些猎人带网去捕捉他们遇到的第一只僵尸,他将派一个整个带有摩尔的团队带上抢劫银行用的面罩,并希望他的摩尔可以通过,因为这是更多的乐趣,第一个选项是太简单了。

14: If 2 people on an elevator sees Zombies when the doors open, they will freeze up completely, because who expects to run into zombies in a city crawling with zombies?

14. 如果电梯门打开时,两个人在电梯里看到了僵尸,他们会完全震惊到一动不动,因为谁会想到在一个满是僵尸的城市里遇到僵尸呢?

15: Custom made hand grenades become fire balls when they explode

15. 定制的手榴弹在爆炸时会变成火球

Why was the Daughter character created in the first place?!



The Girl who plays the daughter of Dave does nothing, She probably deserved to die first, & what's with her connection with the random lady called Geetha?!


She let her team in danger for some random lady and at the end she didn't even rescue her, What a piece of garbage this movie was for saving the girl who was hated by most of the audience...


Messy, uninspired waste of time


If someone had just taken the time to correct some of the obvious errors and cut that bloated film down to 90 minutes it could have been great entertainment. But whoever was is charge here didnt care and what we got instead is an uninspired mess that just keeps dragging on.


So even if you're just looking for entertainment: Dont watch this movie! Its an insulting waste of time


Just Bad



Slow, stupid and a painfully artificial narrow depth of field injected into every single shot. The characters are all abrasive. And the daughter, oh the daughter. I have never had to watch such a spoiled little brat sink a movie so fast.


I generally love all zombie movies but wow... This was so bad.



Comparing Zack's "Dawn of the Dead" and this piece of garbage is like comparing Mona Lisa and my idiot neighbors redheaded 6-year-old stepchilds scribbles.


Good concept, bad writing, and terrible characters



I'm not usually a fan of Zack Snyder's movies, but I do enjoy his visuals from time to time - maybe he should just stick to directing and leave the writing to those who know how to actually write a good movie with some interesting characters because this movie is just downright bad.


Major Spoilers - Everything wrong with this movie



4) They leave the gate wide open when walking into the quarantined area. This killed me. I guess I should have stopped thinking at this point in the movie.


5) If the bad dude's plan was just to get the vile of blood, then why not shoot the scout. Take its blood and leave. Tell the group they will get paid and let's go back now. Nope. Betray everyone for no reason (tell them you'll kill the helicopter pilot for no reason) and go for a head of the main chick. Cool.


6) Why did the zombies keep some people for a few days? No explanation... just need to keep the mom alive so the girl is justified in ruining everything. Actually.. why would the girl even assume she was alive. What a dumb character.

为什么僵尸要把一些人关几天?不解释……只要让那个妈妈活着那女孩就有理由毁掉一切。其实. .那女孩怎么会以为自己还活着。多么愚蠢的角色。

7) Robot zombies? What? Why? I assume the Mexico City sequel will explain that the government created the alphas to control the others and use the zombies as weapons. But IDK. Cause it seemed like the government wanted zombie blood, which they could have gotten if that was the case. Makes no sense.


6/10 is generous. Only points given are for... releasing a movie during covid. At least it made me go to the theater.


Trailer was better



Trailer was better. I don't just mean that the trailer promised a better movie (which is also true), I mean that its trailer as a media product was better entertainment than this movie.


This movie insults your intelligence - this movie is one giant plothole



This is a beat for beat, and markedly inferior, Aliens rip off. After Scream and Cabin in the Woods which parodied character stupidity in horror movies, ZL makes sure that each and every character chooses the absolute worst decision possible.


How is it that even rank amateurs can get off head shots so easily? Is it really that easy to hit someone's head while they are running at you? More than 1/2 the shots in the movie were head shots.


How do you get out of a vault from the inside? And even if you don't suffocate, won't the immense radiation from the explosion at ground zero kill you near instantly? How can he walk miles and miles in the desert and not die of thirst and somehow find a car? How come he turns into a zombie days to weeks afterwards while everyone else is zombified within minutes?


If the entire idea was to get some blood, why did they have to do this entire charade about getting the money? There was another team that died at the first gate, why didn't they just get the blood from a rando zombie and leave? Why didn't the mole just tie up the queen zombie in the first 20 minutes, get blood and leave them to their heist? Even better, the government had the king zombie in custody. Why didn't the government just take the blood then? (since Tanaka appears to be working with the military)


why why why


Do not waste your time



2 Hours and 28 minutes of your life is what this movie will cost you. Time you can never get back and could be better spent getting an unnecessary 4 finger prostate exam. Nothing about this movie is redeeming, the story is about a extremely selfish daughter who gets everyone killed. Rose from the Titanic was a more considerate human, and we all know that Jack could have fit on that door. That is the lesson here, don't raise selfish children.


Needs a quick headshot to put it out of its misery



A truly awful outing for Snyder. Thin dumb plot, bad writing, terrible dialogue, cinematography of someone that doesn't understand depth of field (wide open for everything). Yes you can have fun dumb movies. This one is just dumb.


2.5 hours of plot holes and questions.



If the blood is so valuable - why not just send a team in to capture the queen?! Why mess about with sending multiple teams to fail in the casino?


Zombies exist for one reason - to eat!!! Not to play Simms and create a new Zombie way of life.


At the start, the man working for the Japanese guy says "I can get you any hardware you want" and not a single person asks for anything? How about a few silencers so you don't attract all the zombies when you shoot?!


The film should have followed on from Dawn of The Dead and showed how people were trying to rebuild / coexist / eradicate the Zombies.


Please don't make a sequel to this film. It was painful


It just gets worse and worse for Zack Snyder



This movie starts out as a 5 and then 4, 3, 2, 1 in quick succession. What else would you expect from the brilliant mind that brought us Batman vs Superman and Justice League? Plot holes galore. Writing, acting and directing was completely ridiculous. This movie is an insult to the make up artists and set workers who did a great job setting up the scenery for nothing.


The worst from Snyder yet



What happens in Vegas...I didn't really care.

dcj216 May 2021


Why didn't Mr. Tanaka just give them the combination to the safe?



As hackneyed and sophomoric as this film is, the stupid never seems to end. Even in the contrived and stilted first sequence of a head on collision where the military personnel transporting the top secret shipping container, are simply too catty to stop yammering at each other like school girls for 1 minute to see the headlights of the oncoming vehicle, continuing to the scene where " I never do leg days" Batista is assembling Ocean's dumbest 11, because he needs the "best" safecracker he can find-for some reason.....


Exactly why do they need a safecracker, pray tell? Tanaka, the man who hired "I skip all leg days" Batista, must have just wanted to jepardize the entire operation by withholding the damn code to the safe.


Finding the flaws in this piece of visual sewage is as challenging as an Easter egg hunt in an empty parking lot.


The worst movie of all time. I don't know why netflix make movies anymore. After 'I care alot' I lost all hope in netflix. Now coming towards this movie, i was really hyped by all the zombie genre and thought that maybe this will be another Day of the dead. But oh boy i was so wrong. This is the worst movie ever and not to mention they ruined the zombie genre so effectively. Major spoilers ahead:


How come the soldiers didn't saw the headlights of coming car before the head on collision. Any sane person specially a tactical trained professional would have spotted the car a mile before.


How come the armored military truck worth millions of dollars just simply gave up infront of an old 70's beat up car.


Why did scott just readily accepted the offer of 50 million and didn't demanded more.


How come no one said anything when they found out that there were many teams before them who just happened to die in the casino and near the safe. Any sane person would had got the hell out of there after learning that secret.


Why on earth the boss's man ( with the queen's head) went outside the building and not on the roof to the helicopter.


Why didn't the team had not one single silencer with them. It would be so easy to just kill the zombie tiger, the queen, the other alpha zombie in the beginning and get over with it. And that too without alxing anyone. Plus it could had been so easy for them to continue without offering the bait. (which was insane btw)


*The worst mercenaries ever


* The list goes on and on and on.


A wasted opportunity in my opinion. With this budget they could had made a superb movie. Please Please Please netflix stop making anymore movies. I am also canceling my netflix subscxtion after watching this movie. Shame.


Falls way short of its awesome potential



A number of reviewers have already taken shots at the huge plot holes and ridiculous setup of this movie; I share in both their criticism and disappointment. If you happen to care about such lofty things like coherent storytelling or character development, I'd wait to watch this lazy entry into the zombie genre until you're either drunk or stoned to overlook its many problems.


And while Zack may have gotten some kind of personal thrill out of manning every major job in this project, the outcome has clearly suffered as a result. What could have been an otherwise outstanding zombie action flick, given proper attention to detail and an avoidance of lazy tropes, is instead no more than another sparkly yet mediocre piece of cookie-cutter movie confection.


The fact that more movie goers aren't outraged by the significant and apparently permanent drop in quality/intelligence of most these blockbuster Hollywood productions is what bewilders me. Apparently, just shoveling an old retread of a story into a production-line CGI machine is enough to satisfy most of today's audience, who blithely flock to, praise, and subsidize whatever vapid POS comes out. Are super hero action scenes really all we're after anymore? Isn't it time to demand more for your entertainment dollar?


Let's suck the fun out of a Zombie movie by adding hateful characters and awful plotline.



With the exception of Tig Notaro's character, I couldn't wait each of them to go.

除了Tig Notaro所饰演的角色,我迫不及待地想让他们每个人都赶快死去。

The first problems comes when you see the team that is presented and you immediately hate every single one of them with the exception of Tig. You hope that these folks would bond at some point, but they never really do. When an attempt to create some bonds, it just falls flat and is not very genuine.


The action sequences are pretty good, though some are a little over the top, but enjoyable to watch. The Zombies themselves have are well done but they get lost in the mishmash of the story arcs. And the ending was pretty good though not great.





Kids from Fame zombie's jumping on tables...

ReviewRonRon29 May 2021


Utter, utter garabage.


Main characters consistently stop to discuss how they love each other while they face immanent death from the zombies. A cringingly bad zombie love story between the 2 main zombie characters who have a zombie baby. The rest of the zombies appear to be students recruited from a dance academy who jump onto things, hiss, wave their arms about and look like they are about to break into a song and dance number.....just really, really bad, boring, waste of time of a film.


Don't bother wasting your time wating it.


10?! Are you out of your mind



My biggest problem are with the characters. There are way too many it reminded me a lot of suicide squad the way they introduced them in this montage. They literally hire one of the team members because he made a YouTube video shooting zombies.. like really.. aren't there some more soldiers you know? But seriously who cares who makes it out. And you made a 2.5 hour movie with a story that could have been told in 70min and couldn't figure out how to make us care about any of the characters.

我最大的问题在于角色。他们中有很多人让我想起了很多《自杀小队》中用蒙太奇的方式来介绍他们。他们雇佣了一名团队成员,只因为他在YouTube上制作了一段射击僵尸的视频。看起来还挺逼真的. .但是你不是还认识一些士兵吗?但说真的,没有谁在乎他们是否能成功。你拍了一部2.5小时的电影,故事本来可以在70分钟内讲完,却不知道如何让我们关心其中的任何一个角色。

标签: #runingmanmagnet #avmagnetdanger